Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam porttitor auctor bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse vel ornare libero, sed pellentesque velit. Pellentesque dapibus congue rhoncus. Duis aliquam elit non bibendum tempor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla gravida ut orci non facilisis. Nulla ac felis lobortis, molestie orci nec, dignissim nisl. Aenean fringilla nunc elementum, consectetur turpis ut, dapibus sapien. Vestibulum at libero nunc.
Pellentesque ipsum risus, malesuada sit amet finibus vitae, congue ac augue. Donec luctus accumsan mi vel luctus. Fusce maximus mattis turpis, tristique dapibus neque molestie interdum. In feugiat, nulla quis porttitor luctus, quam dolor ornare quam, sit amet interdum augue quam faucibus neque. Fusce porttitor ipsum in mollis condimentum. Cras non posuere ipsum, nec condimentum purus. Pellentesque bibendum massa dui, nec convallis dolor fermentum fermentum.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum ac dictum ligula, sed semper ante. Etiam eget lectus iaculis lectus ultrices blandit. Cras at gravida dui. Nulla luctus leo ut ligula porta, vel interdum metus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris blandit tristique consectetur. Nullam fringilla massa dignissim justo dictum, nec venenatis neque efficitur. Morbi a pellentesque enim. Nunc a nibh magna. Morbi non ex a est laoreet porta ut at urna.
Address: 123 Baker St.
Phone: 777-444-2323
Website: https://mywebsite.com
Portland has this charm about it, where everyone smiles at you on the street, they are chatty and inviting and quite honestly i’m convinced that I should move there! With that it can be quite a process when finding the right accommodation for you. Even though you don’t hear this very often from me, the main Arts District and Old Port although being very tourist driven, I can recommend staying in the area. The reason being is that the area remains humble and welcoming to locals and people who are seeking hidden gems like us! We’ve spent our life looking for places that offer an experience that may not pop up on every travel blog and we think that Portland is perfect for finding that balance.
An airbnb that stood out to us based on location, design and overall great customer service would be The East End Apartment not only because we love the open loft design but because the owner is a publisher and editor-in-chief of Decor Maine magazine and previously the founder of Maine Home+Design. She’s a great host and can offer many amazing tips about where to go and what to see!
Address: Within walking distance to downtown
Website: East End Apartment
Raw Oyster Bar Crawl
Good Eats
Now we know that seafood is what Maine is pretty well known for and if you’re like us; coming from the city you cannot wait to get your hands on some freshly caught seafood.
We decided to spend the day exploring @visitportland and checking out some of the best raw oyster bars in the city. One oyster bar that caught out attention above any others was this cute spot called @portlandoystershop Not only did they have the best selection of oysters, but they also had a seriously chill vibe. 🤙🏽 The thing about Oyster bars is that sometimes there is a fancy pretentious vibe which we aren’t always a fan of, we like to have experience based food and try many options! Also as Canadians, paying $3 USD for one oyster just isn’t worth it. The Shop was great for reasonably priced $1 oysters! They have a large inside dining room, and a large patio and although we were there in the day we can only imagine that it comes alive at night also! The sun came out to play that day for us so really what more could you ask for!
Address: 123 Washington Ave, Portland, ME 04101, USA
Phone: 207-699-4466
Website: portland.islandcreekoysters.com
Other honorable mentiones would be 01. Eventide Oyster Co. 02. J’s Oyster 03. Harbour Fish Market if you’re looking to do it yourself and cruise around the vast selection of seafood options.
Photo Opportunity
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum ac dictum ligula, sed semper ante. Etiam eget lectus iaculis lectus ultrices blandit. Cras at gravida dui. Nulla luctus leo ut ligula porta, vel interdum metus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris blandit tristique consectetur. Nullam fringilla massa dignissim justo dictum, nec venenatis neque efficitur. Morbi a pellentesque enim. Nunc a nibh magna. Morbi non ex a est laoreet porta ut at urna.
Portland Head Light
Maine Helicopter Tours
Portland Schooner Sailing
Fermentory Foraging Experience
Address: 123 Baker St.
Phone: 777-444-2323
Website: https://mywebsite.com
Bard | Coffee | bardcoffee.com
Speckled Ax | Coffee | speckledax.com
Holy Donuts | Coffee + Donuts | theholydonut.com
Tandem Coffee | Coffee + Brunch | tandemcoffee.com
Nosh Kitchen | Restaurant | noshkitchenandbar.com
Sur Lie | Restaurant | sur-lie.com
Union | Restaurant | unionportland.com
Honey Paw | Restaurant | thehoneypaw.com
Mercury Inn | Hotel | mercuryinn.com
The Press Hotel | Hotel | thepresshotel.com
East End Apartment | Airbnb | Airbnb.com
House with the Porch | Airbnb | Airbnb.com
seafood gems
The Shop | Oysters | portland.islandcreekoysters.com
High Roller Lobster | Lobster | highrollerlobster.com
Otto Portland Pizza | J’s Oysters | jsoysterportland.com
Even Tide Oyster Co. | Oysters | eventideoysterco.co
Bramhall Speakeasy | Craft Cocktails | bramhallme.com
Hunt and Alpine Club | Craft Cocktails | huntandalpineclub.com
Venas Fizz House | Craft Cocktails | venasfizzhouse.com
Urban Farm Fermentory | Craft Cider | fermentory.com
Portland Head Light | Viewpoint | 12 Captain Strout Cir
Two Lights State Park | Coastline | 7 Tower Dr, Cape Elizabeth
Crescent Beach State Park | Coastline | 109 Bowery Beach Rd
East End Beach | Coastal Walk | Eastern Promenade Trail